AMRobotics Services

Preventative Maintenance Services

When production demand increases, equipment and maintenance personnel become pushed for time, availability and efficiency. Oftentimes, this results in a triage of work needed for the necessary demand. Many times, the first work to go on the back burner is preventative maintenance. Preventative maintenance is an absolute necessity to keep equipment running efficiently and producing at optimum levels. The downside is often the time and expense required to perform these tasks, not to mention having to spread your necessary in-house skilled resources thin. This is where AMRobotics preventative maintenance teams come in.

Preventative Maintenance Process

These teams of dedicated professionals will perform:

  • System lubrication
  • Filter changes
  • Mechanical inspection
  • Fastener tightness checks
  • Leak inspections
  • Generate wear reports and perform replacement
  • Identification of potential downtime events
  • Manufacturer recommended servicing

Our process begins with an initial evaluation, sourcing manufacturer recommendations, meeting with the team and getting a plan together to be as thoroughly efficient as possible once in your facility. The PM process includes a report and pictures to you upon completion. Included in this report is information on wear conditions of your equipment to help you get ahead of any predictable potential breakdowns.

Robot PM Program

As you can tell from our name, AMRobotics specializes in robots! We are excited to introduce you to our state of the art Robot PM Program! We have partnered with Greasebot, bringing automation to the world of robot preventative maintenance. Have your robots serviced faster, with manufacturer spec service by a fully trained, authorized team utilizing the latest technology in the world for robotic preventative maintenance. Gone are the days of hand pumps and 5 gallon buckets for changing the grease out in your robots one axis at a time. Our automated system changes out the grease in all 6 axis simultaneously in less than 30 minutes. This is governed at manufacturer recommended volumes and pressures to give you the most efficient PM available in the market today. This process includes controller, inspection, program and full service report, and is available as a one time purchase or, as a subscription program that provides for the long term health of your robotic system. AMRobotics, bringing the future of Preventative Maintenance!